Monday, May 21, 2012

Worst Comics Ever? Super Pro?

     Now anyone who is anyone that collects comics should know about this and if you don't you are definetly missing out on one hell of an issue. Super Pro was a comic done by Marvel in 1991. It ran for 12 straight issue, which in this guy's opinion was wwwaaayyy to long, but it does do one thing to most comic book nerds like us and it gives us a chuckle.
     Super Pro's story follows an NFL player name Phil Greyfield. Nice Name...roles of the tounge smooth like butter. Anyways, Phil was in an accident while trying to save a child. One day he was being interviewed by a fellow NFL fan who was a chemist in his spare time showed him a prototype suit that was indestructable. After an accident he pretty much donned the suit to fight crime with. I dare not touch the issue for as I feel bad juju will fall down upon me and Odin will strike me down forever or The shit Monster from Dogma will rip my ass. Super Pro--Just another guy in a crappy outfit. GEEZ...
      Super Pro had some awesome enemies though that Marvel should of kept in my opinion. They were corney, but the names were awesome.
  • Quick Kick, a football placekicker turned ninja.
  • Bennings, a footballer turned into an insane giant by steroid abuse.
  • Instant Replay, the assassin who can slice through time.
  • Marco Sanzionare, a crime boss whose dealings are constantly thwarted by Superpro.
     My final thought is that everyone should buy this comic just to say that you own it and you are not afraid to admit it.

 I can't write about this anymore it is hurting my fingers and my head to type and think this out.

Super Pro #1

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