This comic has been sitting around my pile for far too long. Now I have finally found time to read it. When I first heard the concept of this
creator owned book from Brian Buccellato I was immediately interested. So, when he told me where to get it I jumped
at the chance and ordered it up.
In this issue, as with most #1s, we need to be introduced
into a world we may have never seen before.
In this case, that would be Eddie Foster and Ben who live in Vintage
City. We are caught right up to speed
with Foster learning that he is an alcoholic war veteran that has had his share
of problems. Ben a young boy that lives
in the same apartment building as Foster is the other main character. It seems
Ben has not had of childhoods thus far either and things do not seem like they
are going to start getting better any time soon.
Buccellato writes a great story where his characters shine
through. We quickly realize that the world he has created is far from the “everything
will be alright” sense that you get from superhero comics. In this world, everything seems like a possibility. While his characters seem flawed, these flaws
make them more compelling.
At first look, Noel Tuazon’s art was a tough sell for me. His style is definitely not, what I usually
go for but that was not a reason not to read the book. Fortunately, for me Tuazon’s style did sink
in and helped give the world the dark and gritty feel to complement the story.
Creator owned comics are some of the best out there and
often do not get enough coverage. Brian
Buccellato gives readers a compelling start to what I hope to be a long running
series. Without even going to deep into
the Dweller aspect of the comic, I have the feeling things are going to get
crazy and violent. I have issue #2 sitting next to me right now and cannot wait
to start reading it.
Overall, I will give Foster #1 an 8/10. With great characterization
and a compelling story line, this series should last for a long run.
If you want to find this comic check
out Brian Buccellato’s website
and order yourself a copy.
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